The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance – A Classic Western Movie

A 1962 Western film shot in black and white that was adapted from a 1953 short story written by Dorothy M. Johnson. Staring John Wayne and James Stewart, this movie also features a well-known supporting cast including Lee Marvin, Andy Devine, John Carradine and more. It is the story of how a tenderfoot lawyer, Ransom Stoddard, is credited with shooting and killing a notorious gunman, Liberty Valance, who was terrorizing a small Western town. Stoddard becomes a local hero and eventually is a U.S. Senator, but he didn’t actually fire the fatal shot.
Dr. Andrew P. Nelson, Chief Curator, will add context and engage the audience with discussion and Q&A.
Program Info:
Friday, May 9 | 2:00 – 4:30 p.m.
FREE for Museum Members (Members, log-in first to reserve tickets)
FREE with Museum Admission
$10 for just the program
Programs and times are subject to change.
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