Western Spirit Board Member Joan Fudala
is named first recipient of the
Scottsdale Public Library Vision Award
Scottsdale Public Library Adult Services Coordinator Erin Krause Riley wrote: “This is the first annual Scottsdale Public Library Vision Award, and we chose Joan Fudala as the inaugural winner because she so fully reflects the library’s vision statement: ‘Preserve the Past, Enrich the Present, Illuminate the Future.’

Joan Fudala, Board of Trustees, Western Spirit: Scottsdale’s Museum of the West (L) and Kira Peters, Library Director and Community Services Administrator for the city of Scottsdale (R).
Joan supports the library in so many ways. She regularly offers programs about Scottsdale history– and continued to do so during the pandemic when the lectures needed to be filmed and shown on our YouTube Channel where they have the some of the highest viewing numbers of any of the programs we’ve shared. She consistently spreads the good word about the library and advocates strongly for us with the many civic organizations of which she is a member. She contributes to the local historic archive here at the library and advised the developers of our Scottsdale Historic Connection, the local archive within our main Civic Center branch and she often consults on projects to help the library take part in celebrating milestones and memories of Scottsdale’s history.” Kira Peters, Library Director and Community Services Administrator for the city of Scottsdale presented the award at the Scottsdale Leadership Luncheon. Please join us as we recognize the contributions Board members make, not only to Western Spirit, but to the community as a whole.